Sunday, February 17, 2013

Get Ripped in 3 months following my steroid program!

There are many things that I don't understand and one of them is how steroid users advertise their gains by showing how focused and dedicated they were in their training. How can you be proud of a muscular and shredded body that you obtained through chemical means and then have the audacity to boast about it?

The reality is that 90% of those guys out there who did get incredible results are nothing more than junkies, and even if it did take them years of training and discipline, I still consider them to be cheaters. One of my favorite actors who literally mapped modern bodybuilding, Mr. Arnold Swarzenegger started taking steroids in his early teens where it wasn't yet an illegal substance. He blatantly admitted on TV that he took steroids in the past and that he never broke the law in that matter.

Young arnold at age 17. I wonder what kind of milk he's been drinking.

I have even seen some documentaries which claimed that steroids are actually much safer than alcohol and household aspirin, but why give all the merit to cheaters? When I look at those jacked meat machines I see the word "Steroids" written across their forehead.

In the past decades, many trials were done in order to show the full potential of steroids. Scientists divided people into 2 groups, those who would take steroids and workout and those would sit at home and watch TV. The first group gained 5-8kg of muscle mass in 3 months, while the other group gained 3-5 kg doing absolutely nothing. If you can't imagine what difference 1 or 2 kilograms of muscle make on a body, try to visualize a clothing size.  Steroids are also known to build muscle while burning fat which skyrockets your metabolism making it easier to get ripped.

How to get ripped in 3 months!

You want my secret program to get ripped abs? Take steroid cycles, go to the gym, lift consistently following a decent program, drink your protein shakes every 3 hours and have some cardio days where you basically run in the morning. Limit your diet to natural food, and try to cut on simple sugars and alcohol. Follow this routine for 3 months and take pictures in between to show chicks how great your body is. As soon as you get your six pack, oil yourself up, get on the floor and do 30 pushups, then stand in front of the mirror and take pictures.

Biggest retard ever born, but eh at least he got the chicks!

Let's Conclude:

The potency of steroids is so incredible that Germans used it during the 2nd world war era to win all the gold medals at the Olympics. If you really want to get the body of your dreams, you must understand that you will never get as big as those guys. You can get a lot of muscle with long years of dedication and dieting, but there are no way you will even get close to such results without juicing. I personally have been attending the gym for over 3 years, without mentioning other spots such as boxing and swimming, and yes! I have gained some muscle which is a great thing, but I doubt that I will reach a built like that naturally. 

After many years of hardwork, expect to look like this natural bodybuilder.

Some of you might call me jealous, and yes I am jealous, jealous that I have to work like a slave for many years trying to adapt to a social standard. So please stop boasting, you retarded baldheads!
Getting big on juice is like losing weight on methamphetamines! It just shows how much of a junky you are.
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